Sunday, June 10, 2007


Some of the chateaux don’t want their release price to be posted on brokers’ websites, most have no problems with it. In any case, the idea that the whole industry, journalists, clients knows everything about releases, brands, etc…is certainly rare, except in case of crisis for tomato producers, melon or other…

If prices are not posted on the offers of brokers, after 5 minutes all our customers received offers from wholesalers, and there, the price is listed, an additional 5 minutes and they are posted on websites of English brokers, Swiss, French mail order sites and often at the retail price recommended by the properties. So, what’s the use for Bordeaux to want their prices to be confidential?

The only ones that are a protected from curious eyes are the ones who sell direct, on an exclusive basis, as it is often the case in Burgundy.

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