Thursday, July 9, 2009


Several books on wines are currently being written in Bordeaux, some again as dictionaries, and god knows how tough competition is and how bookstores have already plenty. 2 others, written in French, seem to approach the subject in a more romantic way: the story of the owner, of the creator being more original, and more useful than the size of the vineyard or the percentage of varietals.
Who will buy these books a part from interested parties for their end of year gifts? And still, is it interesting to give the story or contact info of the competition?
Hurrah for books edited on the behalf of authors, written by talented “ghost” writers and with predetermined printing runs.
It is tough to write something new, useful for the client and which works for the publisher!
Even notes, the multiplicity of notes, tastings, medals, etc… make it difficult to distinguish what is helpful in our work, except for updated sites of chateaux, containing analysis, license number and other type of useful documents for export.
Long is the time when Lichine, or Dovaz, or the Féret were the rule in any good home!

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