Saturday, April 23, 2011

En primeur releases

The futures campaign is starting slowly with the release of a series of wines we have been working with for a several years. The owners are friends and the qualities of the wine as well as our customers have allowed us to be useful partners for the distribution of these wines.
Marjosse blanc, Clos Floridene, Doisy Daene and Reynon Blanc, Mont Perat et Girolate (there is a strong demand in Japan for these wines where they are stars) and Tour Maillet à Pomerol.

The prices are similar to last year; still it is not a sign for future releases. In any case, increase, balance and decrease are still possible.

The wines listed sell well, even as futures, for even if they are not speculative, not buying them en primeur would make them impossible to buy at the property but at one of my colleagues for a higher price.

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